Life is always busy. Taking time to connect is vital to keep a marriage strong, renewed, and thriving. Through the years, we’ve made going away for our anniversary a priority, even if we could only get away for that one … Continue reading
Life is always busy. Taking time to connect is vital to keep a marriage strong, renewed, and thriving. Through the years, we’ve made going away for our anniversary a priority, even if we could only get away for that one … Continue reading
Have you been feeling disconnected from friends and family, unmotivated, anxious, overwhelmed, and in a strange rut of sorts? Feelings like these can spill over into your marriage.
How do you get back on track, re-ignite the spark, and fuel … Continue reading
How do real life couples keep their sex life sizzling year after year?
The fact is, physical intimacy changes through different seasons of parenting and marriage. There is an ebb and flow, times of feeling very connected and sex is … Continue reading
Do you ever struggle with being a sensual wife, a passionate lover who enjoys sex with her husband, and being a godly woman? If you have, you are not alone.
We all walk into marriage with different expectations and voices … Continue reading
Do you ever feel the need to escape, regroup, get it together, push the reset button, straighten out one or all of your kids, and put your priorities in order?
When I feel overwhelmed, I take a mini-retreat. It hasn’t … Continue reading
“A joyful life is made up of joyful moments gracefully strung together by trust, gratitude, inspiration, and faith.” – Brene Brown
Often the smallest, simple things bring the greatest joys.
The pitter-pat of rain drops, sunshine glistening on water like … Continue reading
Experiencing God brings confident joy and peace that comes from knowing and walking with Him. “Even when you are in the darkest, most hopeless situations, the love of God is more than sufficient to give you hope and life,” teaches … Continue reading
Fear, anger, anxiety, hatred, division, frustration, isolation, distrust, and hopelessness are perpetuated by the atmosphere surrounding us.
If I focus on all of the reasons that cause me to fear, I become stuck – as though sinking in a swamp … Continue reading
It’s 2021 and time for a new word for the year. Each January I listen for God’s prompting for growth in an area of my life, and each year I receive a word or words whispered to my heart.
The … Continue reading
If we have but a blink of an eye to be on this earth – don’t we want to live it well? Don’t we want to live as disciples of Jesus, both feet in the kingdom of God, living with … Continue reading