Meet Leann
Welcome, I’m so happy you are here!

Hi, I’m Leann Seale – devoted disciple of Jesus, wife, mom of four boys, (and still alive). I’ve journeyed through breast cancer and have come out the other side with more strength and faith, by God’s grace.
I’m passionate about sharing God’s faithfulness through life’s journeys in marriage, family, and faith. I believe in living honestly and authentically, growing from the bitter-sweet lessons in life and sharing those with others.
I love… my family, home, coffee and quiet time with Jesus in the mornings, studying and teaching God’s Word… I am energized by sharing time and encouragement with women of all ages and stages, I love girly things, all shades pink, parties and celebrations, games with the family, cooking meals to gather family and friends, bubble baths, wine and popcorn, taking walks, creating beauty, laughing with friends, dancing, and hugs.

My husband, Jeff and I have been married for over 30 years. We were high school sweethearts, meeting when we were 14 years old. He is my best friend, my favorite person on this earth, and the one who I look forward to our empty nesting years with. Is our relationship perfect? Nope. But we make our marriage a priority and invest time and energy to make it the best we possibly can.

We have four boys: I have been blessed to be a “stay at home mom,” after resigning from my public relations job when our first son was born.
Dalton is 26 years old, a magna cum laude graduate from the School of Business at Azusa Pacific University. He helps my husband manage our family company, Accurate Electric, Plumbing, Heating and Air.
Parker is 24 years old, and graduated 37th in his class from the United States Air Force Academy. He completed his Master’s Degree at Boston College, and is currently working for the Air Force. Parker is a young newlywed, married June 7, 2019 to his high school sweet heart, Emily-Kathryn. They had their first son in June 2021, making us grandparents.
Grant is 22 years old, graduated with a degree in biology from Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego. He is studying to be a veterinarian, as he works in Idaho at a vet assistant.
Landon is 19 years old, and attends Grand Canyon University in Arizona studying finance.
My hope is for my blog and this space to be a welcoming place for you to receive encouragement, inspiration, new ideas, receive tips, tools, and techniques that can assist you in the areas of marriage, parenting, and faith. You are not alone in this season.
Pretend we are sitting down, face to face, talking over a steaming hot cup of coffee with chocolate, of course! It’s my hope that you walk away feeling understood, feeling lighter, more confident and joy-filled, but most of all, that you are drawn into the presence of God, His goodness, and faithfulness.
If you have a question, need some input, are in a low spot and would like to send me an email, I would love to hear from you. I would be honored to pray for you and offer any resources or wisdom I may have. (I can be reached at [email protected])
I believe that the Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God, and our instruction and standard for faith and life.
I believe in the one true God, who exists eternally as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Father is neither begotten nor proceeding; the Son is eternally begotten of the Father; and the Spirit eternally proceeds from the Father and the Son.
I believe that God created the heavens and the earth, and we are created in the image of God. Through disobedience by Adam and Eve, sin was brought into existence and all humanity since that time. Humanity became in need of God’s redemption, as all have been separated from God.
I believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, I believe in his virgin birth, that as Savior, Jesus is fully God and fully man, that he lived a sinless life. He then suffered, gave his life on the cross for our redemption, and was buried. He was resurrected on the third day according to the Scriptures, ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will return again in power and glory, to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.
I believe that the Holy Spirit indwells each believer at the moment of salvation. The Holy Spirit seals each believer, transforming, guiding, empowering, teaching, and correcting, as one is yielded more and more to God. Fruit of the Spirit are evidence of this transformed life.
I believe in one baptism, as an expression of one’s saving faith in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins. God unites and gathers all those he saves by his grace into his Church through baptism.
I believe in the body of Christ, the Church and our spiritual unity as brothers and sisters in Christ, all commissioned to share the Good News of Jesus to the ends of the earth. I believe we are equipped with spiritual gifts to use to build the Kingdom of heaven on earth, as we await for the triumphant day of Jesus’ return, or He calls us home to eternity.
The blessed union of two souls and the relationship that affects every area of your life. Here we will talk about building a strong, healthy marriage to last till death do you part. What it looks like to keep your marriage a priority and the spark alive as we raise our family and enjoy the empty nest years. Staying connected, communicating well, drawing on our faith in God and never giving up…
Nothing is more important than family. Being a mom is the most difficult job on earth, yet the most rewarding! Here you will receive encouragement and inspiration as you raise up your sons and daughters. We will talk about parenting with intentionality and purposefulness; imparting your beliefs, values and faith; and how to “begin with the end in mind” so that you can launch strong, capable, independent, kind young adults into this world. With authenticity and hope, I’ll share lessons learned from raising four of my own, along with creative family nights, games, discipline, recipes, crafts, how to stay organized, and many more topics.
The foundation of who I am. I am the daughter of the King, chosen, forgiven, redeemed. I am known and loved by God, the maker of heaven and earth. I have a hope and a future that is sealed by the Holy Spirit living within me, as a child of God, believer in Jesus Christ, my Lord and my Savior. From this place of faith, all of my experiences in life mold and shape me into the person God is creating me to be. I am grateful for even difficult circumstances, because they draw me closer to God, refine my character, deepen my faith, and enable me to see God working around me more clearly. With those lessons learned, I am compelled to share of God’s faithfulness with others, giving honor and glory to God. I am a broken work in progress… growing and transforming into His image day by day.