As we raised our four boys, life was full and busy. My husband and I rarely had open weekends, let alone time for traveling or an extended vacation.
August and September have been “get back into routine” months, and money … Continue reading
As we raised our four boys, life was full and busy. My husband and I rarely had open weekends, let alone time for traveling or an extended vacation.
August and September have been “get back into routine” months, and money … Continue reading
Summer is the time for light and easy recipes that will delight your palate as you spend time outdoors.
I’m sharing some fresh summertime favorites that I know you will enjoy this week, and I hope you try them out.… Continue reading
Today I wanted to share with you some tips and tricks that are simple, yet brilliant. These “life hacks” will make your day to day run more efficiently.
According to Wikipedia, “A life hack (or life hacking) is any … Continue reading
Summertime is a vacation and travel season for many. Maybe because we were stifled during the pandemic or maybe because my friends and family have caught the “travel bug” and want to see our big beautiful world, but more and … Continue reading
Summer brings hotter weather, parched skin, and the need for extra hydration. Drinking lemon water is one beneficial way to improve your health and add a simple, healthy habit to your day.
According to the Cleveland Clinic, “Even the smallest … Continue reading
Are you ready for the “lazy days of summer?” You know, when you lounge in the sun, sipping on something cold, with a great book that you’ve been looking forward to reading?
Ha! Well, if you’re like me, my … Continue reading
You’ve heard it said that the best things in life are free! Well, that is true here when we find ways to repurpose our used stuff. Trash can become treasures with a bit of creativity.
Here is a list of … Continue reading