“If you feed them, they will come.” This has been my motto since my boys were young. As they grew and brought friends around our table, food was always at the heart of rich conversation and strengthening relationships.
Cooking for my family brings me joy. It’s more than serving a home-cooked meal. For me, it is a service of love. To have my family connecting as we gather around our table sharing time, stories, and food is a deep and meaningful part of life.
Family meals are the one time in the day when everyone stops playing, working, or engaging in separate activities to, gather together. We pause, check in, and share.
When our boys were little, everyone stayed at the table until each family member was done eating; then they could ask to be excused. We each shared our “good and bad thing” for that day, enjoying the opportunity to talk and be heard, as well as listen to everyone else. It was also our time to pray before dinner, teach manners, impart beliefs, and share ideas.
As the boys grew older and were involved in school activities, sports, church, and commitments in the evenings, I cherished our time around the table on the few days a week when we were all together.
To be honest, times around the table weren’t all pleasant. There were times when I’d work to prepare a meal that everyone could handle and enjoy, only to have one boy get in trouble at the table, or the topic of conversation turn gross (as often happens with a house full of boys), or my heart be hurt over something said. Then I’d wonder why I looked forward to cooking and gathering them anyway?
At times, to ensure everyone would have a happy heart, I created family theme dinner nights. Some themes would line up with holidays, like St. Patrick’s Day. Others were simply made up, like “Opposites Night.” The family would need to come to the table dressed in theme. The theme would be carried out through food, ambiance, music, and table decorations. If I was feeling really creative, we’d include a game or activity for after dinner.
These nights made for fun family gatherings and happy memories, not to mention priceless pictures!
(I’ll share a list of Family Theme Dinners as Part 2)
As my boys grew and went off to college, the time to have all four gathered around our table was even more rare and special. Everyone in their designated spots at the table made my heart full.
Getting to know our boys’ friends, especially when they brought them home from college, has been a joy and a blessing. We’ve been able to pray for their friends and create a place for them not only to eat, but also to stay.
Serving in this way is an investment. I find joy in serving my family because it is my heart to do so, and I want to bring my best before the Lord.
I take comfort in knowing that I serve not only them, but also the Lord… especially on the nights where attitudes and conversations go south.
I am reminded of this truth in Colossians 3:23-24: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”
May God bless you and your family.
What does time around the table mean to you?
Do you have family traditions shared over a meal?
***Please add your thoughts after reading today’s blog by commenting below. I’d love to hear your heart.
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Leann so true. Gathering at the table has bonded my family. I grew up with family time at our dinner table. I just looked at it as routine back then but carried it on with my family of four. It meant so much more then eating. Good idea with the theme dinners. We celebrated different events but didn’t dress up. So fun😊
I’ve been focusing on that verse for the last two weeks! Thank you for reinforcing it — it’s funny how that happens. The days when my kids were little and present around the table were my favorite! I wasn’t quite as creative as you, but I knew being intentional by having family meals together went a long way. There is an abundance of research on the importance of family dinner time. I hope loads of young mamas read this and implement, even if it’s simply mac-n-cheese. Thank you for your posts, Leann!
Leah, isn’t it amazing how God echoes the same verse on our hearts? I agree with the importance of time around the table… even if it is simple. Time goes by so quickly and those moments are the cherished ones.
Family dinners ARE so important. It is the one time of day everyone is together and can share their day, good or bad. I looked forward to our family’s dinner times. It was always interesting to me when one of you had a guest join us.
So many of them didn’t have family dinners and it was always interesting to see how they reacted to our table discussions. I like to think we were a positive influence on them.
It was around our family table that I learned about sharing our “good and bad thing” for the day. I also learned how to be a “hostess with the mostess” from you, mom. Thank you for being such a beautiful example of welcoming others around our table and making them feel like family. Those values are a legacy that are being passed down to multiple generations.