The calendar says spring, yet the winter season is stubborn this year. Thank the Lord for all the rain and snow, but I have a new appreciation for sunshine with its warmth and energy. Simple joys are like that.
The things that take our breath away and bring life to our souls can be found daily. We are marketed to constantly, enticed by the latest products to have, places to visit, or things to do. Simple joys often don’t cost a thing, yet like sunshine, they will positively illuminate your day.
They are available to you by simply noticing. Find more happiness as you experience the joy that creates contentment and peace.
What brings a smile to your heart? Embrace these simple joys to bring purpose and positivity to your day.
Fresh cut flowers – Arrange a bouquet from your yard, a Farmer’s Market, or Trader Joe’s. Enjoying the colored blooms & textured foliage brings the outdoors in, adding springtime joy!
Nature – Enjoy the fresh air and the outdoors. Observe birds and wildlife, waves at the beach, smell the mountain trees, ripples on a lake, or clouds in the sky.
Sunrises – Rise early and watch as the orange, pink, or yellow hues begin to light up the morning sky. The color will fade in the blink of an eye, but the beauty is God’s gift to you for the day.

Sunsets – On some evenings when the clouds are just right, God creates a masterpiece in the sky. Painting in brilliant hues of hot pink, purples, oranges, soft pinks, and yellows, with swirls of bright color. The colors deepen as the sun sets, casting even more majestic beauty.
Set the alarm for 10 minutes before sunset, and don’t miss the glowing tapestry in the sky.
Bubble Baths – Melt away the day with a lavender or eucalyptus hot bath. Add candles, dim lighting, Epsom salt for muscle aches and detoxing, soft music, or a book. It will do wonders for your well-being and relax you for a great night’s sleep. (Unless you get night sweats… then I’ve got nothing!)
Candles – One of my favorite simple joys! My motto is that you can never have enough candles! Candles create an atmosphere of warmth in your home or office with fragrances to relax, energize, or delight your senses. Everyone looks better in candlelight, and soy candles actually clean the air. Lots of good reasons to enjoy candles any time.
Laughter – Life is hard, so remember to laugh often. You’ve heard it said that “Laughter is the best medicine,” so surround yourself with friends and family who make you laugh. Or consider watching a comedian that makes you laugh till your face hurts. Here are a couple of hilarious comics that crack me up!
John Crist Comedy: https://johncristcomedy.com/videos/
Tim Hawkins Comedy: https://www.youtube.com/user/timhawkinscomedy
Kid Snippets: (Family-friendly short videos that will have everyone laughing!) https://www.youtube.com/user/BoredShortsTV
Read a good book – Cultivating a spirit of being a life-long learner, reading books enables your mind to imagine, consider new possibilities, hone a skill, or be entertained. Whether listening on Audible, scanning on a Kindle, or holding a hardback in hand, snuggle up and then enjoy reading great books this year.
Take a walk – It is excellent for your body and rejuvenates your mind, soul, and spirit. Breathing in fresh air while simply walking clears your mind, helps you think, activates creativity, and refreshes. Enjoy a brisk morning walk, get out at lunch, or time it for an evening sunset.
Simple and worth it, right!?
Dance to your favorite music – Dance like no one is watching! Move to the beat, flow with the music, and dance around your house or on the dance floor. We have a sign in our kitchen that states, “We dance in this kitchen.” And we do! It can be great cardio, and it sure brings joy!
Quiet prayer & reflection – Having a time of day that you spend in quiet time, reading a devotion & God’s Word, praying, listening for God’s promptings, or journaling is essential for spiritual growth and soul nourishment.

Yoga – Specifically “Holy Yoga,” which can be done in your living room, with soft worship music playing, lights dimmed, and the focus is on a Scripture or gratitude to God for blessings. Stretch, pose, practice, and rejuvenate your mind, body & spirit. All you need is a yoga mat and a bit of time. Simple.
If you’d like to follow a Holy Yoga instructor, check out a basic class here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-89xjgn6lI
Coffee with a friend – Face-to-face quality time spent talking, confiding, laughing, crying, and encouraging feeds our souls. Investing in our friendships is essential for a rich and fulfilling life. Set a coffee date with a trusted friend. You’ll feel energized and renewed, known and loved.

Gardening – Getting your hands in the dirt as you prepare the soil for new growth is exhilarating. There is something about planting beautiful flowers with distinct colors and textures and making something new that brings life to my soul. It is hard work, leaving muscles aching for days, but the kind of sore after satisfying work is complete.
For months after, I reap what I sow in the form of beauty in the yard and cut flowers on my table. Studies show that gardening reduces stress and the risk of a heart attack. Whether an herb garden in pots or an English flower garden, cultivating is a simple joy.
These ideas will fill you with gratitude for the simple joys available daily. Life is busy, challenging, and overwhelming, but if we keep our focus off the tangible and on what will satisfy us, we will find more joy and peace.
It reminds me of what Apostle Paul taught in Philippians 4:8 when he said, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things” (NIV).
What “Simple Joys” bring a smile to your heart? Please share in the comments below.
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Each morning I wake up, I always think about what can I do to bring joy to my day. I love the ideas you shared. I do quite a few of these.
I need to light candles and take more baths. Loved the part about night sweats! No amount of relaxation can keep those away! Lol.
Thanks for the yoga recommendation. Im definitely going to try her class!
Renee, your beautiful hikes remind me of simple joys for sure! Just getting out and enjoying the sunshine these days is a joy. Keeping those simple things in our focus adds to the delights of the day.