The year 2022 went by in the blink of an eye for me. I had goals and plans, most of which went unmet, as I felt stuck.
My husband and I enjoyed traveling and some adventures, which were highlights, and they kept my head above water when I often felt like I was drowning, disappearing below the surface.
Was it like that for you too?
I went from being what my mentor called a bubbly bottle of champagne to feeling like an opened bottle that had gone flat.
I was left physically sick from the stress of a complicated and broken relationship with one of our sons. Add that to the uncertainty in the world and our unraveling country, which all left me second-guessing who I am. The emptiness continued as we searched for a new home church, a place to serve and connect.
I felt heavy, like someone had poured wet cement over me, and I couldn’t move.
I was in a dark space that was unfamiliar. I lacked energy and positivity. I craved comfort foods and lacked the motivation to work out.
I talked with God about my disappointments, frustrations, and anger. I also had honest talks with my husband, and my inner circle of confidants helped release the hold on me. (I also learned they had been praying for me).
I realized that I needed to connect with the women I enjoy serving, to be in church and with the family of God. We have a short time on this earth, and I don’t want to squander my time suffering over what I can’t control. I needed to get my life in order by prioritizing what was essential and letting go of the rest.
Discipline and order have felt good. I completed a two-week cleanse in January and began eating healthy and working out. I set goals and put strategies in place to move toward achieving them. I’m keeping a gratitude journal and enjoying the spiritual disciplines which have always been part of my adult life: prayer, devotions, Bible Study, and Bible reading. I am feeling like “me” again!
I am feeling energized, focused, determined, and hopeful. My husband and I found a new home church after searching for the past two years, to worship, serve, and connect in.
Finally turning a corner, I gathered perspective and am choosing purpose & positivity for 2023.
Where are you this year? Did you choose a word to focus on and guide you through 2023?

If you need a launching place, I recommend an excellent, practical book called Atomic Habits by James Clear. One of my favorite books read in a long time. This one explains how tiny changes create remarkable results in all areas of our lives. With over 90,000 five-star reviews, listen on Audible or give it a read.
Determine to live your best life and become the best version of yourself this year. What does that look like for you? What is one small change or tweak you can make today for a better tomorrow?
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You inspire me!!
Thank you for reading, Robin! Do you have a word or focus for 2023? I’d love to hear!
You’re so real and transparent. I love that you shared your struggles this past year and your new refreshed and positive outlook on life. You’re an inspiration.
I’ve been wanting to read Atomic Habits and will be getting it on Audible. I’ll check back and let you know how it goes!
Renee, Well thank you for sharing that. I went to bed last night feeling a bit vulnerable and questioned myself about sharing. I am grateful to be in a much more positive place! You will love & enjoy Atomic Habits. Such a practical book. Hugs to you!
I am so happy to hear the old you shining through! I love your motto: “Positivity and Purpose.” Praying for you daily. 2023 already is a better year!
Thank you for being my biggest prayer warrior! Your prayers are the most important gift to me, and I love you so much. Thank you for reading my stuff. Cheers to 2023!
Miss you Leann! So glad to hear you’re feeling positive! I’m a big believer in keeping things simple! I personally get bogged down if I try to take on too many things either physically or mentally! 2023= Keeping it simple!
Hi Christy, love your motto for 2023 – “Keep it Simple!” This is so wise, keeps priorities in focus, and allows you to be your best self by keeping things simple. Thank you for sharing! Sending hugs, Leann
Oh, Nan. I am so happy you are writing again! Your words are like fuel for my soul. My heart broke for you over the past year (was that really all it was?! It felt like 3), but now my heart rejoices that you’re back! Praise Jesus! And now you have more to share and we will be waiting to hear your powerful voice. Love you!!
Oh Lor, thank you! You encourage my heart, and get me excited about writing again! Thank you for taking the time to read, cause I know you are busy. You’re right, it really was a solid two years, but I was most broken this past one. Thankful for new beginnings, a re-focus, and a new filling of the Spirit. Whoo-Hoo!
Can’t wait!
Xo Anna Marie