Inspiring Hope through life’s journey in Marriage, Family, and Faith
Leann inspires as she speaks God’s truths in an engaging and energetic style. She shares her heart felt messages with authenticity, as she challenges listeners to grow in their faith. She has a love of sharing Jesus and applying Scripture to every day life. Leann has been happily married for over 30 years, and they have raised four boys. Family, ministry, speaking and writing are her passions and joy.
Available Talks
Is God Calling Me? (45-90 min. or 3 talks for retreats) Learn how to live out your faith with meaning and purpose, as you develop a strong personal relationship with God. Learn to listen, recognize and follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit, then respond to those nudges. Trust God to work through you, as you use your gifts and talents to make a difference in your circles of influence, building the Kingdom, right where God has you. (Appropriate for all ages & stages).
The Launch (45-60 min.) A heart to heart with parents about what to expect and plan for, before your child leaves home. Learn to parent with “the end in mind” as you prepare to launch your children with confidence. Prepare your children to develop a solid faith of their own and equip them with life skills so they thrive and not just survive the college years. (Appropriate for parents of young children through high school, early college)
God Is Faithful (15-40 min.) Recognizing God’s fingerprints during the trials of life. This talk inspires hope, knowing that no matter what, God will always be with you. Consider it pure joy when we face trials of many kinds… because we have a God who will never leave us, nor forsake us. (Appropriate for all ages & stages)
Partnering With God to Further the Kingdom (15-20 min.) Sometimes God calls us out of our comfort zones and into kingdom work, where there is meaning and purpose. Learn what it means to abide
Keeping Christ in Christmas (30-40 min.) How to make Christ the center of your celebrations and family traditions. (Appropriate for all parents & grandparents)
Seek and Find – My Testimony (10-15 min.)
Parenting: Building Family and Faith (30-45 min.) Nothing is more important than family and raising kids is the most difficult job, but rewarding job. Find encouragement, parenting tips and tricks, how to impart your faith, be purposeful, intentional and parent with the “end in mind,” enjoy family traditions and creative family fun. (Appropriate for parents of toddlers through high school)
How To Love Your Husband Well (45-65 min.) Making your marriage a priority, investing in each other and keeping that spark burning through the years—Learn how to build a strong, healthy marriage that isn’t just good… it’s great! We’ll look at the different ways husbands and wives are wired, and practical “how to’s” for loving our husband well.
Consider It Pure Joy… (45-90 min.) My journey of finding God’s peace and joy in the midst of suffering and surviving breast cancer. The lessons learned as God refined my character, deepened my faith, and brought blessings during this season.
Oxygen For Moms (20-30 min.) Practical ways to take care of yourself, so you can give to others. Learn effective ways to recharge, work out of your strengths, and become your “best self.” (Appropriate for moms of babies through high school)
Organization For Busy Moms (30-45 min.) Is life moving so fast that everything is in disarray? Learn practical techniques to organize your daily routine, family, and life. Lose that frazzled feeling and enjoy order!
Food, Family, and Friends (25-40 min.) Do you hesitate to host? Learn to create a warm & inviting atmosphere to ignite meaningful conversations and cherished memories. “If you feed them, they will come!” Learn to feel confident entertaining, introduce family friendly theme dinners and simple recipes that will be a hit!
Entertaining 101 (25-45 min.) From dinner parties to baby showers, graduation parties to celebrating the holidays – learn to plan, prepare, and present memorable events with less stress. Practical success tips and tricks for fun-tastic entertaining.
Decorating 101 (25-40 min.) From decorating a table to a home for each holiday, learn how to create beauty with simple tips, tricks, and decorating hacks.
Life Hacks (20-40 min.) Make life easier with smart hacks for the home, beauty routine, the kids, and every day life. Enjoy many “ah-ha!” moments during this entertaining and fun talk.
SPEAKER TESTIMONIALS: What people are saying...
“High energy, full of emotion, I was captivated.” – Sarah M.
“Excellent talk. Your emotions are tender windows into the heart, making you real and authentic.” – Debbie A.
“I was encouraged to listen to the Holy Spirit’s prompting and challenged to step out in faith and do it.” – Carolyn T.
“I loved your delivery and excitement about God working in your life.” – Shellie P.
“You are a dynamic and gifted speaker!” – Tanya L.